Historier fra værkstedet

How do we implement sustainability in our production & design process?
The word sustainability is everywhere. But what actually lies behind the concept and how do you concretely implement this in a design process, from idea to product? Which aspects of sustainability ...

Her Majesty's 80th birthday
On the occasion of Her Majesty's 80th birthday, we have made a model of the Queen's own Palace at Amalienborg in Copenhagen. The model is handmade in sustainable wood, produced in Denmark and repre...

FNs Klimatopmøde i New York
We have designed and produced the awards for the Climate Summit in New York, held by the UN.
Kolekto from Copenhagen, Denmark have designed and produced the awards for the Climate Summit in New York, held by the UN.

BLOX Copenhagen
Design development of BLOX building for Realdania
BLOX building was designed by OMA architects and financed by RealDania. It is home to the Danish architecture center, DAC, and is an acrobatic mix of uses (museum, restaurant, apartments, etc.)Insp...

Københavns Stadsarkitekt
København har fået ny stadsarkitekt
Camilla van Deurs forlod jobbet som partner i Gehl Architects for at overtage jobbet som Københavns stadsarkitekt og i den anledning modtog hun en unik og personlig udgave af METROPOL WOOD. På gave...

Bæredygtig pris
WE ARE: The Sustainably-Minded Creators Behind the State-of-the-Art Partnership Award
In 2018, the Courtauld Commitment – winner of the 2018 State-of-the-Art Partnership of the Year Award – did not receive a flashy, glass or golden trophy to recognize their excellence. Rather, when ...